M.A.P. Water & Sewer installs approx 150,000 meters of pipe each year and services approximately 2,000 residential lots. We are a versatile company that can operate as either the general/prime contractor or the sub-contractor. Although we work primarily in the greater Edmonton area, we will gladly service projects across western Canada. M.A.P. Water & Sewer works with local, Canada-wide, North American, and International suppliers and vendors, and likes to support local business whenever possible.
With our dynamic team of employees whose backgrounds range from the paving industry to the consulting industry, we can handle any job, large or small. At M.A.P. Water & Sewer Services Ltd., we believe in safety, quality, teamwork and completing projects on schedule. It is these beliefs and our excellent reputation that bring us many repeat clients.

- Water & Sewer Main Construction
- Subdivision Servicing
- Lift Stations
- Hot Tap
- Rip Rap Installation
- Trunk Sewer Construction

- Water Transmission Main Construction
- Equipment Rentals
- Plant Work
- Trucking
- Drop Structures
- ESC Erosion and Sedimentation Control

- Water & Storm Main Replacement
- Industrial Servicing
- Maintenance
- Infrastructure
- Tunneling & Auguring
- Sanitary Main Replacement

Epcor Water
CLIENT: Epcor Water LOCATION: Edmonton & Surrounding Area COMPLETION DATE: 2018 VALUE: $20 Million in 2018 OVERVIEW: Water & Sewer From back lane water main renewal to large transmission main installation, and everything in between – including large valve...
Edgemont Neighbourhood – Stages 17, 18 & 19
CLIENT: Brookfield Residential LOCATION: Southwest Edmonton COMPLETION DATE: Ongoing VALUE: $7.5 Million in 2018 OVERVIEW: Water & Sewer M.A.P.'s business relationship with Brookfield Development dates back to the Carma era over a decade ago. During this...
M.A.P. Water & Sewer Company Announcement
Moving Ahead With over 40 years of success in the rearview mirror, M.A.P. Water & Sewer Services Ltd. continues to advance forward based on the very principles, dedication, teamwork, and commitment to excellence, that has molded M.A.P. into an industry leader for...
Epcor Contract
After an extensive and detailed evaluation process, M.A.P. Water & Sewer Services Ltd. is proud to announce that once again, we have been selected as an approved contractor to re-enter into a long term contract agreement with Epcor Water Services Inc. This...
Reflex is Live at M.A.P. Group of Companies!
We're proud to announce that M.A.P. Water & Sewer Services and M.A.P. Earthworks recently went live with Reflex ERP software after only four months of implementation. M.A.P. is currently running Reflex's financial management, HR/payroll, project costing, and fixed...

We’re hiring! If you’d like to work for a great team check out our current openings!